Here you will find the list of Suspended Athletes and Suspended Support Personnel who are currently suspended for anti-doping rule violations. The suspension affects all activities in organized sport, including those performed by coaches and officials. It applies to all sports, worldwide.
Currently Suspended Athletes
List of Athletes currently suspended by Swiss Sport Integrity and of Swiss Athletes suspended by other Anti-Doping Organizations.
American Football
Christoph Weber
Presence of THC
Marc David Salvisberg
Presence of dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
Kevin Winter
Violation of the prohibition against participation
Pierre Bourquenoud
Administration and possession of erythropoietin, complicity
Raphaël Addy
Refusing to submit to sample collection
Rudolf Keller
Presence of testosterone, violation of the prohibition against participation during ineligibility, repeated violation of the prohibition against participation during ineligibility
Alessandro Borrillo
Possession and attempted use of RAD140 (SARM)
Saaza Egli
Possession and use of indacaterol
Basil Künzli
Possession and attempted use of MK-677 (ibutamoren)
Matthias Hofer
Attempted use of testosterone and clomiphene and tampering with a part of doping control
Ice Figure Skating
Jessica Pfund
Presence and use of amphetamine and cocaine
Mountain running
Stéphanie Perriard
Possession and use of sustanon, oxandrolone and growth hormone, trafficking of sustanon, and tampering
Mountain sport
Piet Umiker
Possession, attempted use or administration of ostarine, as well as attempted trafficking and attempted complicity
Para archery
Pascal Héritier
Presence and use of spironolactone
Adrien Sofiane Girard
Presence, use and possession of prednisone and prednisolone
Gianfranco Giudice (Shooting Para Sport)
Attempted use and trafficking of testosterone, metandienone, stanozolol, halodrol, dehydrochlormethyltestosterone, oxymetholone, tamoxifen and clomifene
Track & Field
Alex Wilson
Presence of trenbolone
Claudio Lazazzera
Possession, use and trafficking of clenbuterol and testosterone
Maja Bollhalder
Possession and attempted use of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Michele Caverzasio
Possession and attempted use of growth hormone
Marcel Rieder
Presence of nandrolone, norandrosterone, noretiocholanolone
Currently Suspended Support Personnel
Under Article 2.10 of the Doping Statute,collaboration with these individuals constitutes an anti-doping rule violation and is thus prohibited at all times.