TUE Application

The process for submitting an application for a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) is not the same for all athletes. The TUE Wizard helps to ascertain if, when, and to whom a TUE application should be submitted.

«TUE Wizard»

The information detailed on this page relates solely to TUE applications submitted to Swiss Sport Integrity. Applications made to International Sports Federations must respect their individual regulations and forms.

Submitting a TUE Application

Athletes submit a TUE application together with their doctor. The treating doctors cannot issue a TUE themselves. Responsibility for submitting a complete TUE application lies with the athlete.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • An up-to-date, fully completed application form, signed by all the required parties. In addition to personal and medical information, details of any planned competitions should also be included.
  • A detailed medical explanation as to why no permitted therapeutic alternative can be prescribed, along with details of any therapies tried to date.
  • Comprehensive medical documents to confirm the diagnosis. The medical records must include a complete medical history and all relevant examination findings (in accordance with the application criteria, if available); prescriptions and medical certificates are not sufficient

Application Criteria

Swiss Sport Integrity has defined application criteria for therapies, which are often the subject of applications. They establish which medical documents should be included with an application. Please retain a copy of the application, including the medical documents submitted.


A prospective TUE should be submitted as early as possible, as authorization must generally be granted prior to the start of therapy to ensure that the athlete in question is protected against a violation of the anti-doping rules by the therapy. For substances that are only prohibited in competition, the application should be made at least 30 days before the next competition. A complete TUE application is usually evaluated within 21 days.

In the case of retroactive TUE applications following doping tests, Swiss Sport Integrity will contact the athlete in question with a request to submit an application.

Conditions for Obtaining a TUE

Athletes may be granted a TUE if they can show that each of the following conditions is met:

  1. The prohibited substance or method in question is needed to treat an acute or chronic medical condition supported by relevant clinical evidence.
  2. The therapeutic use of the prohibited substance or method will not, on the balance of probabilities, produce any additional enhancement of performance beyond what might be anticipated by a return to the athlete’s normal state of health.
  3. The prohibited substance or method is an indicated treatment for the medical condition, and there is no reasonable permitted therapeutic alternative.
  4. The necessity for the use of the prohibited substance or method is not the consequence of a previous doping abuse.

Process after Application

Where required, Swiss Sport Integrity will request additional medical documents, which must be submitted before an application can be evaluated. This may require additional medical examinations. The applicant is responsible for covering any costs incurred.

If a TUE application is returned, it means that no authorization has been granted. The reasons for this will be explained in the covering letter.

Evaluation of TUE Applications

A TUE application is assessed by the TUE committee and then either authorized or rejected. The TUE committee is an independent medical committee, which evaluates applications in accordance with the applicable conditions for obtaining an authorization. Swiss Sport Integrity’s committee includes seven doctors from different specialist fields. They are all required to comply with medical confidentiality regulations. Athletes will be informed of the decision in writing.


An authorized TUE will be sent to the relevant athlete by registered mail.

The TUE has a limited validity period, and the approved therapy is clearly defined. If a change in therapy is planned, a new TUE application must be submitted.

A TUE approved by Swiss Sport Integrity is valid only at the national level. If an athlete is planning to take part in international competitions, the TUE granted by Swiss Sport Integrity must be forwarded to the relevant International Sports Federation for recognition.


If an application is rejected by the TUE committee of Swiss Sport Integrity, the reasons for the decision are given in writing. In the event of rejection, an appeal can be lodged with the Swiss Sports Tribunal.


Athletes who are assigned to Swiss Sport Integrity’s TUE pool, and who therefore require a prospective TUE, will not be charged for the evaluation process (this does also apply to emergency TUE applications).

A special case is where an athlete asks for a prospective assessment of a TUE application by the Swiss Sport Integrity TUE committee, but this is not deemed necessary according to the rules and regulations of Swiss Sport Integrity. The athlete will be charged CHF 150 per evaluation in such instances.

The athlete bears all of the costs of any medical examination and reports, as well as any translation costs, which may be required as part of the evaluation of the TUE application.

Support and Contact

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
