DBS Testing Procedure

Blood tests may be conducted in addition to or independently of urine testing. A distinction is made between venous blood collection and capillary blood collection for the Dried Blood Spots (DBS) method.

Notification and Identification

DBS-Kontrolle: Aufgebot und Identifikation

The doping control officers (DCOs) identify themselves. Anna is informed that she has been selected for testing, and about the upcoming control. Anna is also briefed on her rights and obligations. The DCOs verify Anna’s identity, for example by means of an identity card or driver’s license. By signing the doping control form, Anna confirms that she received notification of the doping control and that she has understood the associated rights and obligations.

Waiting and Testing Areas

The waiting and testing areas are separate from each other. Anna may eat and drink in the waiting area, but not in the testing area.

The only people allowed in the testing area are the DCO, Anna (the athlete undergoing testing) and, at her request, a person she trusts. Under certain circumstances, WADA observers and auditors from Swiss Sport Integrity may also be present. Anna has the testing procedure explained to her. A urine sample may be taken in addition to a blood sample (see Urine Testing Procedure). Compared to venous blood collection, no waiting time is required before collecting dried blood samples.

DBS-Kontrolle: Warte- und Kontrollbereich

Selecting the Control Material

DBS-Kontrolle: Auswahl des Kontrollmaterials

Anna selects a packaged blood collection kit and a kit with a security container. There should be at least tree kits to choose from, and the packaging must be intact. If Anna is not happy with the kit she originally selected, she may choose another one which is intact.

The collection kit contains a single-use collection device, a disinfecting wipe, a band-aid, and a sealable light protection bag. The security kit contains the security container and a security adhesive strip.

Blood Collection

The blood sample is usually taken from the upper arm. Anna is instructed by the DCO to warm the puncture site by rubbing it. Then the DCO cleans the puncture site and attaches the blood collection device to the upper arm. Following the DCO’s instructions, Anna can start the blood collection process herself by pressing the button. After the blood collection, the DCO removes the collection device and puts a band-aid on the puncture site.

DBS-Kontrolle: Blutentnahme

Closing the Sample

DBS-Kontrolle: Verschliessen der Probe

The DCO removes the filter carrier with the samples from the collection device and places it in the security container. The protective film and foam protection are removed, and the container is closed.


The security adhesive strip is then applied over the joint of the container. This ensures that no manipulation of the samples can take place before they reach the laboratory.

DBS-Kontrolle: Versiegelung

Doping Control Form

DBS-Kontrolle: Kontrollformular

The DCO now enters further details on the form, such as the sample number, the date, and the time the sample was taken. The laboratory does not receive any information whatsoever which might indicate Anna’s identity. To make the analysis process easier for the laboratory, it can be useful to enter any medication taken over the last seven days on the doping control form.

Signing the Form and Concluding the Test

Anna can now check that the remaining part of the doping control form has been completed correctly and in full. If Anna wishes to make any comments or complaints, these can be recorded in writing on the form. The DCO, any accompanying individuals, and finally Anna herself then sign the form, thereby confirming that the test was carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations. Anna receives a copy of the doping control form. This should be kept in a safe place.

DBS-Kontrolle: Unterschrift und Abschluss

Dispatch and Analysis

DBS Control: Dispatch and Analysis

The DCO puts the container into the light protection bag and seals it. The samples are sent to a laboratory for Analysis. Anna is informed by Swiss Sport Integrity of the result of the test by e-mail or by letter.